Newsletter Volume 15 Issue 12

    This newsletter includes Doubles Weeks 11 & 12 and the Singles Week 8. After this week we will be...

Newsletter Volume 15 Issue 11

Singles League Highlights: For the second week in a row Katie’s match makes the headlines! She was up against a very...

Newsletter Volume 15 Issue 10B

Thursday Night Doubles: The English Majors continue to take down their opponents and have now won 10 straight matches. Their...

Newsletter Volume 15 Issue 10A

Singles League Highlights: We have two more makeups to complete before the standings will be up to date. Marty has...

Newsletter Volume 15 Issue 09

Tuesday Night Singles: We have yet to have everyone present Tuesday nights as this week we were two players short. Maybe...

Newsletter Volume 15 Issue 08

Tuesday Singles League: Two matches could not be completed in week 4, so we are up to 5 matches that...